Yesterday was the feast of the Immaculate Conception. It was a little confusing at first to understand. But, now I realize that it has to do with the fact that Mary was chosen at the point of her conception to be free from sin so that she could be the temple for Christ before he was born. It is about her being clean and blemish free.
I think that there are lessons everywhere. I am always saying the little prayer (especially when I am feeling out of sorts), "please show me you will and help me to hear your words." So, last night at mass, as I am listening to the readings and then the homily, I decided that the lesson here is to be vigilant about sin. I must constantly pay attention to even the little things. I must go to confession more often. If I don't then
I am not clean. I am not an appropriate temple for the holy spirit. I am distant from our Lord. I am out of sorts.
This out of sorts feeling is one that feels lost and lonely. It is because my sins are separating me from God. This is where I go to confession and start over. This is where I stop looking at myself and start looking to others. This is my lesson for this day.
Today I pray for my son whom I miss more than I can say. It is for my family to cope in a way that is pleasing to God. It is for my son to have the courage and will to make a radical life change. It is for all those of you who need vision to do God's will and it is for Henry. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen
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