We all need God in our lives. He gives us purpose. Many people wander aimlessly looking for what they are called to do. It can be frustrating to be unsure of what your gifts are.
Often times we define success in terms of money, which is sad. Money is necessary, but it corrupts so much. Why are we here?
What have we been called to do? I think we imagine some big announcement...."You'll be a great politician." What about others who don't have an obvious direction? This is where looking for God's will comes in. I think it takes a tremendous amount of faith and introspection to understand yourself enough to know what your good at, especially when the world is out to tell you what you can't do.
My son and I have been driving together to work. It is a long tiring slog. I get frustrated with the cost and time taken out of the middle of my day and then when I would normally be relaxing. Also, I worry that this enables him...even though he has started paying gas. But, what I gain is this: our relationship is growing.
I was worried before that we didn't have a relationship because he only seemed to be pulled towards his father, but that was OK because a boy needs his Dad. But, I was concerned that I had lost him along the way. I don't worry anymore. I am watching him take care of me more and more each day.
The other night we were driving home and the traffic began stopping. Before I could begin to complain, my son was on the phone with a buddy who lived nearby. He got quick detour directions that got us right where we needed to be without being stopped on the interstate. "See Mom, I got us where we needed to be." He was so proud. It was such a small thing....but it's not. It's all those little things that tell us that we are needed, that we helped, that we matter, that we weren't put here to just cause problems. I imagine the addict needs that more than anyone.
I am thankful that my eyes were opened to that need in him. He is so giving to me. He thanks me and reminds me that things will be okay and he keeps telling me that he'll never put me in a nursing home!!! I know that sounds funny, but, I trust that he never will. This is my paycheck. This is my gift for merely driving. God is so good.
I pray to notice others gifts more often. I pray that those facing addiction learn to fill their hurts with learning their gifts instead of using a substance or tearing others down. It is so much more rewarding and a better use of energy. I pray for more wisdom as we approach this Lenten season. And, I pray for the soul of Henry, my grandfather.
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